30 week pregnancy update

30 week pregnancy update 

This is my first post on my pregnancy as I've only just started blogging and I've needed inspiration from other mummy-to-be bloggers as I didn't really know what to write about! So I am 30 weeks and 4 days today, I'm due in April. I literally can't believe how fast the time has gone, well I feel I've been pregnant forever but now it's come to it, it feels like it's flew. 

I went to see the midwife yesterday and everything is great, the baby is growing fine and she's moving a lot now! 

I've had no cravings yet, although I've been eating for about 5 people. I think my craving is generally just food haha! I also haven't had morning sickness throughout the whole of my pregnancy, which I am very surprised in. I sleep like a baby and I'm loving life at the minute, no pregnancy problems to complain about (accept the whole heartburn thing, I suffer from that a lot) 

My belly is still tiny as well as me and I obviously haven't got any stretch marks, I've felt so much movement though and she loves to wriggle all night every night, I found it hard to get asleep first but now I'm that used to it. My belly button has also popped out which goes right through me! I guess I have gone a little bigger than I was, maybe more than I think I just don't notice it! I also can't bend down to put my socks on without struggle, so my boyfriend comes handy for that haha! 

I also haven't got a name yet, I'm so stuck on what to choose its so hard. I don't like any names, so if you've got any suggestions I'd love to hear them! 

I literally have so many baby clothes and everything I need now, apart from my pram which my mum and dad are getting. This is another big thing as its so hard to choose a pram especially for me I'm so picky! We are also moving into our new house at the end of this month and I can't wait to decorate the nursery, I've been excited for this since I've been pregnant but finding the right house first was a must! I've purchased so many little baby outfits from river island, some are even the same as mine so we will be going round like twins, they are so cute though I couldn't resist! 

Demi X x 


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